Thursday, January 19, 2023

Internet privacy

 In todays day and age, you basically have to live under a rock in order to think that your internet privacy is your own. From the random robots that follow your Instagram, to using your credit card on a trusted website, to even just walking down the street, our "right to privacy" is becoming nonexistent. Just by signing up for Facebook you give away your face, your words, and your instructs. The craziest thing about this, is that it is exactly what you sign up for when you sign the terms and policies that you more than likely did not read before you checked this box. Facebook and other social media platforms aren't the only culprit here though. 

In the state of Tennessee it is known as a "one party consent state", meaning that only one party has to consent to being recorded, which can be the person recording you. If you wanted to record someone without their consent all you have to do is turn the camera to yourself (the person recoding) or another party that has consented to even just being in the background of this video or picture and the actual victim being recorded now has no power over the video or picture and the person who recorded and thus "consented" can do whatever they want with the product. This is a complete invasion of privacy with people being able to film people in any context and have full rights to it and the party being filmed can do nothing about it.

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